Contact Us

Please review the Top 5 FAQs below and visit the FAQ Support Center to get your answer right away.

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Top 5 FAQs

1. Download link in email is not working.

Login to your account to download files. Email links expire in 72 hours after being sent.

2. Didn’t receive order email or password reset email.

Check your email spam folder, add us to your address book and/or whitelist and then retry. If still unsuccessful, contact us and we’ll reset it for you asap.

3. Transaction couldn’t be processed.

Caused by either incorrectly entered information or a bank decline. Please clear your cache and re-enter information and try again, possibly with another credit card if it fails twice.

4. I lost my actions due to a computer crash and need another copy.

Login to your account and download from our website.

5. Having an issue with Photoshop?

You may benefit from resetting your Photoshop Preferences File. To do so, follow these instructions. To restore preferences quickly using a keyboard shortcut: Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (Mac OS) as you start Photoshop. You are prompted to delete the current settings. The new preferences files are created the next time you start Photoshop.


Greater Than Gatsby, LLC
18208 Preston Road, Ste D9 #482
Dallas, TX 75252

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