Troubleshooting Information

If you recently upgraded from Adobe Photoshop 2021 to 2022 and your oil paint filter used to work but no longer does, here is the fix. Click Here for Oil Paint Fix for Photoshop 2022 Update.
One common error causing your actions to not play properly occurs when your “Background Layer” is converted to “Layer 0” prior to running the actions. There are a few common things that cause this to happen. Click Here for Background Layer to 0 Error Fix.
While we do suggest that you save your files on to an external drive, it is easy to access your previous order by simply logging in to your account from our website. Once you are logged in, you will find your orders, with additional downloads available under the “Downloads” tab.
You more than likely just need to reset your Photoshop Preferences File. To do so, follow these instructions. To restore preferences quickly using a keyboard shortcut: Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (Mac OS) as you start Photoshop. You are prompted to delete the current settings. The new preferences files are created the next time you start Photoshop. For more info from Adobe:
We have 4 versions of our actions inside each download. It sounds like you loaded the wrong .atn file into Photoshop. Make sure you get the file from the Elements folder
We do have printable Recipe Guides for our Photoshop Actions Collections, which are located on each product page.
At this time, many features of Photoshop are only available in 8-bit mode. If you shoot raw and you use LR or ACR, you may be exporting as 16-bit/32-bit files. You will need to convert to 8-bit if the action steps are unable to work in 16-bit/32-bit. In the top toolbar, go under IMAGE – MODE – and check off 8-bit
It just means that you accidentally hit the toggle button. If you delete the action set out of your palette and reload the .atn file, then everything will be reset.
If you have received this error message, this means that you may have renamed your background layer something other than “Background”. If the action is looking for the word ‘Background’ and it has been renamed, you will get an error. You will want to change it back to ‘Background’, so that you can use the action.
The clouds (.png files) don't load into Photoshop, only the applicator action (.atn file). The applicator action will prompt you to select one of the overlays in the overlay folder, so just make sure you save the folder to an easy to find location on your computer.
First check to make sure that your brush-blending mode is set to normal. If you are still not getting results, check you opacity and confirm that you have selected your black layer mask and white brush—just remember “white reveals, black conceals”.